Meet Carol

Thinker ▪ Author
Metaphysical Teacher
Mindset Mastery Coach


Carol helps entrepreneurs and forward thinkers like YOU to Create the Amazing life they desire.

Her passion is to inspire and guide you to your perfect self-expression and release your Divine genius to Create (your) Amazing.

Embracing the simplicity of spirituality as a lifestyle, a disciplined spiritual practice, quality time with Ascended Masters, Carol gives voice to the Law of Attraction, & channeling divine wisdom.

I am Intuitively Yours,


School of Mindset MASTERY

Master Your Mindset, Master Your Life


Mindset is a mental inclination, disposition, or frame of mind.

Your mindset is your collection of thoughts and beliefs that shape your thought habits affecting how you think, what you feel, what you do.

Your mindset plays a critical role in how you cope with life's challenges.

Your mind-set informs how you make sense of the world, and yourself.

Mindset Mastery Classes on Zoom, Teachable, other social media platforms.

Spiritually Speaking 1:1

Private & Group
Personal & Professional Coaching


Learn to allow peace, health, happiness, prosperity, meaningful work, and fulfilling relationships into your life. Power wash your belief systems to:

  • Release limiting beliefs & self-sabotaging habits that keep you from the life & prosperity you deeply desire
  • Find the path where healing happens
  • Discover Prayer that works

Make Spiritually Speaking 1:1 an intentional part of your mental & spiritual self-care.

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As Needed

Just Thinking Blogcast

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”   Socrates.


Contemporary. Thought-provoking. Spiritually logical. Practical, positive, powerful perspectives. Life affirming blogs inspiring you to give your thoughts a second thought.

Have you the courage to challenge your own ideals, old paradigms and dare to change your thoughts that can change your life for the better?

Just Thinking will give you something to think about.


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C.L. Lawrence

Live as though you were to die tomorrow. Learn as though you were to live forever.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Greeting From Carol


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